| 1. | Families with elderly persons priority scheme 家有长者优先配屋计划 |
| 2. | Single elderly persons priority scheme 高龄单身人士优先配屋计划 |
| 3. | Elderly persons priority scheme 共享颐年优先配屋计划 |
| 4. | An elderly person who prefers to live alone can apply under the single elderly persons priority scheme and be allocated a public rental unit within three years 长者若选择独居,可根据高龄单身人士优先配屋计划申请配屋,并可在三年内获配租住公屋单位。 |
| 5. | Two or more elderly persons who are willing to live together may apply under the elderly persons priority scheme under which flats are allocated within two years 两名或以上愿意同住的高龄人士,可根据共享颐年优先配屋计划提出申请,并在两年内获得配屋。 |
| 6. | Two or more elderly persons who are willing to live together may apply under the elderly persons priority scheme , and be allocated flats within two years 此外,两名或以上愿意同住的长者,可根据共享颐年优先配屋计划提出申请,并可在两年内获配公屋单位。 |
| 7. | Families with elderly parents or dependent relatives aged 60 or above who have applied under the families with elderly persons priority scheme will have their housing allocation advanced by three years 家有年满60岁的父母或亲属的家庭,可通过“家有长者”优先配屋计划,提前三年获得配屋。 |
| 8. | Applicants with elderly parents or dependent relatives aged 60 or above under the families with elderly persons priority scheme are allocated flats three years before normal allocation in the district of their choice 公屋申请人如与年满60岁的父母或亲属同住,可通过家有长者优先配屋计划,较正常轮候时间提前三年在所选择的地区获编配公屋。 |
| 9. | An elderly person who prefers to live away from the family can apply for a housing for senior citizens unit or a self - contained flat under the single elderly persons priority scheme , and will be allocated a public rental unit within two or four years respectively 高龄人士若选择独自居住,可申请长者住屋单位或根据高龄单身人士优先配屋计划申请有独立设备的单位,并会分别于两年或四年内获配租住公屋单位。 |
| 10. | There are two priority schemes for public rental flats which encourage households to live with and take care of their elderly members . households with elderly parents or dependent relatives aged 60 or above , which apply under the families with elderly persons priority scheme , are allocated flats three years before normal allocation in the district of their choice 房委会目前有两个优先编配租住公屋计划,以鼓励个别家庭与家中长者同住及照顾长者。有年满60岁的父母或亲属的家庭,可透过家有长者优先配屋计划,较正常轮候时间提前三年在所选择的地区获配公屋。 |